Greensboro (706) 453-2335 ~ Telephone Banking 1-800-471-0560

Business Checking

Business Checking Accounts
Regular Business Checking Account

Balance Requirements:
*  You must deposit $1,500.00 to open this account.
*  A service charge of $5.00 plus $.20 per debit and credit will be imposed every month if the balance in the account falls below $1,500.00 any day of the month.

Periodic Statements:
*  You will get a monthly account statement.

Cost of check printing varies depending on the style of checks ordered.

Business Checking with Interest Account
Balance Requirements:
*  You must deposit $2,500.00 to open this account.
*  A service charge of $5.00 plus $.20 per debit and credit will be imposed every month if the balance in the account falls below $2,500.00 any day of the month.

Periodic Statements:
*  You will get a monthly account statement.

Cost of check printing varies depending on the style of checks ordered.

This account may be maintained by an individual used in his or her business including a sole proprietorship or an individual doing business under a trade name is eligible to maintain a NOW account in the individual’s name or in the “DBA” name. However, other entities organized or operated to make a profit such as corporations, partnerships, associations, business trusts, or other organizations may not maintain NOW accounts.

Business Savings Accounts
Greenetime Savings

Rate Information:
*  Please see one of our customer service representatives at our branch location for current interest rate and annual percentage yield information.
*  Your interest rate and annual percentage yield may change. At our discretion, we may change the interest rate on your account at any time.

Interest compounding and crediting:
*  Interest will be compounded quarterly and credited to your account quarterly.

Effect of closing an account:
*  If you close your account before interest is credited, you will not receive the accrued interest.

Balance Requirements:
*  You must deposit $100.00 to open this account.
*  You must maintain a minimum daily balance of $200.00 in your account every day to obtain the annual percentage yield listed.
*  A maintenance fee of $6.00 will be imposed every quarter if the minimum balance in the account falls below $200.00 any day of the quarter.

Balance-computation Method:
*  We use the daily-balance method to calculate the interest on your account. This method applies a daily periodic rate to the principal in the account each day.
*  Interest begins to accrue no later than the business day we receive credit for non-cash items (for example, checks).

Transaction Limitations:
*  You may make three (3) withdrawals per quarter.

*  A $5.00 debit items fee will be assessed for each withdrawal over three (3) in a quarter.

Periodic Statements:
*  You will get a quarterly account statement. If there are electronic fund transfers in a particular month, you will receive a monthly statement. In any case you will get the statement at least quarterly.

Certificates of Deposit

Interest will be credited to your account or paid to you monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually, at maturity or as agreed upon.
*  The annual percentage yield (APY) assumes that interest remains on deposit until maturity. A withdrawal will reduce earnings.
*  After the account is opened, you may not make any deposits into or withdrawals from the principal in the account until the maturity date.
*  Interest begins to accrue on the business day any cash or non-cash items are deposited.


Penalty for Early Withdrawal
*  90 days interest penalty calculated on the principal amount of the certificate for certificates with a maturity of less than one year.
*  180 days interest penalty calculated on the principal amount of the certificate for certificates with a maturity of one year or more.

Renewal Policy
*  If your certificate is SINGLE MATURITY and does not automatically renew, present it PROMPTLY at maturity as no interest is payable after the maturity date.
*  If your certificate will AUTOMATICALLY RENEW, you will have a grace period of 10 days from maturity date to present this certificate for payment without penalty. IT WILL BE RENEWED AT THE RATE IN EFFECT AT THIS INSTITUTION ON THE DATE OF MATURITY.
Method of Computation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daily Balance*

*The Daily Balance is determined by the application of a daily periodic rate to the full amount of principal in the account each day.

Minimum Opening Deposit Early W/D Penalty (days) Compounding Frequency Maturity
$1,000.00 90 Monthly 3 Months
$1,000.00 90 Monthly 6 Months
$1,000.00 180 Monthly 12 Months
$1,000.00 180 Monthly 18 Months
$1,000.00 180 Monthly 24 Months
$1,000.00 180 Monthly 30 Months
$1,000.00 180 Monthly 36 Months
$1,000.00 180 Monthly 48 Months
$1,000.00 180 Monthly 60 Months


Please see one of our customer service representatives at our branch location for current interest rate and annual percentage yield information.

The Farmers Bank

202 South Main Street

P.O. Box 808

Greensboro, GA 30642

Phone: (706) 453-2335

Fax: (706) 453-7380

Lobby Hours

Monday-Tuesday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Wednesday 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Thursday-Friday 9:00 am to 5:00pm

Saturday: CLOSED

Drive Thru Hours:

Monday-Tuesday: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm

Wednesday: 8:30 am to 2:00 pm

Thursday: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm

Friday: 8:30am to 5:00pm

Saturday: 8:30am to 12:00 pm

The Farmers Bank offers convenient online & mobile services:

  • Online Banking
  • Mobile Banking
  • Text Banking
  • eStatements
  • Bill Pay

Farmers Bank Telephone Banking:  1-800-471-0560

NOTICE:  The Farmers Bank is not responsible for and has no control over the subject matter, content, information or graphics of the websites that have links here.
